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ARS, Mannuthy - FSA R&D developed Technology - "ATHOAM"

Wed, 15/01/2020 - 4:34pm -- arsmannuthy

ARS, Mannuthy - Food Security Army R&D wing developed " Assistive Technology for Hand Operated Agro Machinery for the Physically Challenged (ATHOAM) "

Under ATHOAM three assistive technologies were developed for handicapped persons. They are

1.         Assistive technology developed for Brush Cutting.

2.         Semi Automatic Plug Tray System, an assistive technology developed for pro tray seedling production.

3.        Assistive technology developed for Power Tiller using a remote called Remote Controlled Power Tiller (RPT).


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Agricultural Research Station, Mannuthy
Mannuthy (P.O.)
Thrissur Kerala 680651