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ARS, Mannuthy - FSA R&D developed - "Family Farming Tiller"

Wed, 15/01/2020 - 4:24pm -- arsmannuthy

Family farming Tiller (FFT)  was designed & developed by ARS, Mannuthy - Food Security Army R&D wing. Mainly a Power Tiller was modified and equipped with hydraulic System for family farming with 10 attachments for 10 various functions. The attachments are

  1. Rotavator
  2. Post Hole Digger
  3. Channel Former
  4. Basin Opener
  5. Bed Former
  6. Earthing Up Deevice
  7. HTP Sprayer
  8. De-suckering Device
  9. Elevator Platform
  10. Manure/ Fertilizer Applicator